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Reflections, Implications, and Personal Stories Across Various Topics
“Just come, just get here.” Sometimes, the best first step is invitation. Who knows how many people don’t attend on any given Sunday simply because no one has asked them? The video [Read More]
Brian Doerkson's latest work revolves around "Level Ground," incorporating the worship band with the congregation and eliminating the traditional barrier between leader and participant.
This site focuses primarily on resources and stories around the intersection between faith and disability in North America. There is currently a unique and urgent need in South Sudan, however, to [Read More]
These parents all have stories of dropping off or picking up their daughter or son from a ministry environment only to be told that the church is not set up to handle their child. These families have all experienced what Mary and Joseph felt when they were trying to find a place for their child to be born.
You may already be involved with special needs ministry at your church, or it might be something that you know is important but don’t have many supports in place. Regardless, we [Read More]
Bryan Roe is a youth pastor with Crosspoint Community Church in Wisconsin. At Key Ministry‘s 2012 Inclusion Fusion he shared the remarkable story of his time with Tourette Syndrome during his youth. On [Read More]
Over the next weeks, we will be highlighting some of the presentations at the 2013 Summer Institute on Theology and Disability. This week, we are featuring “Agent or Object: A Call to [Read More]
Over the next weeks, we will be highlighting some of the presentations at the 2013 Summer Institute on Theology and Disability. This week, we are featuring “Leviticus and the Priest with Disabilities: [Read More]
Over the next weeks, we will be highlighting some of the presentations at the 2013 Summer Institute on Theology and Disability. This week, we are featuring “Reflections on Dietrich Bonhoeffer” by [Read More]
Over the next weeks, we will be highlighting some of the presentations at the 2013 Summer Institute on Theology and Disability. This week, we are featuring “Calvin on Job, Disability and [Read More]