Disability and Faith

Disability, Grief and the Church – Lament and Hope

When the church functions well, it provides friendship, support, justice, spiritual resources, safety, and a space where people feel heard. More importantly, when the church truly embraces people with disabilities and their families, it also receives their giftedness, which helps it more authentically become the church it is meant to be.

September 5, 2024|

When the church functions well, it provides friendship, support, justice, spiritual resources, safety, and a space where people feel heard. More importantly, when the church truly embraces people with disabilities and their families, it also receives their giftedness, which helps it more authentically become the church it is meant to be.

Exploring the Intersection of Disability and Sexuality

As the parent of an adult child with a disability, it strikes me that far too often the topic of sex and disability is avoided, particularly in faith contexts. This post is an attempt to dispel some of the myths and fears around the topic and to relay some of my thoughts in this regard, as I consider the impact these approaches may have on my own family.

What Reporting on MAiD Teaches me About Jesus

For four years, I’ve reported on the expansion of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) in Canada. I’ve listened to disabled Canadians share their fears and stories, feeling their sorrow deeply. Through this, I’ve found that MAiD starkly reminds me of Jesus’s hope, generosity, and presence in grief.

A Cure for MAiD: There is no Best Before Date

When did society shift to evaluating the existence of a person, based on what they “contribute”? And when did society adopt the mindset that suffering is not valuable to the human condition? How did the Canadian way of life become a real-life version of Squid Games?

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Reflections, Implications, and Personal Stories of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD)

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