Book review: Formed Together

Caregiving is one of the hardest things there is to do well. Second to it in difficulty is writing about caregiving well.

Inclusive Holidays

It's that time of the year again! For some, the Christmas season is a time of joy, peace, and celebration. For others, it's a time of managing expectations, sensory overload, and hectic schedules. For most of us, it's a mix of all of the above! Today on the blog we feature some helpful resources for churches and families navigating the holidays.

Was Joseph on the Autism Spectrum? (author post)

Understanding Joseph as an individual on the autism spectrum helps to illuminate not only the text of the Torah but also many comments and teachings about Joseph found in the classical Jewish sources I had previously studied. 

Faith, Spirituality and the Direct Support Professional (DSP) Webinar

We must "help [faith communities] understand that we are focusing on participation, inclusion, and belonging as a way to empower, not pity. That we want people to develop roles that make them important and valuable to communities. So we're looking for connections, not avoidance, for support, not stigma"

Everybody Belongs. Everybody Serves. (Mark Stephenson)

In 1985 the CRC pledged “to be the caring community according to I Corinthians 12, paying special attention to the needs and gifts of people with physical, sensory, mental, and emotional impairments,” and committed to removing physical, architectural, communication, and attitudinal barriers “in order to use the gifts of all people in our life together as God's family.”

2018 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Did you know that January 18th to 25th, 2018 is the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity? Our friend Thomas Hentrich over at EcumenAbility has prepared a helpful resource for celebrating this week with people with disabilities.

Welcoming People of All Abilities Step-By-Step

In partnership with Christian Reformed Disability Concerns, the Christian Learning Centers (CLC) network has a helpful list of practical tips and resources to foster accessibility and inclusion which may be critical to a sense of belonging in your church.

Get Your Joy Back (Book Review)

Wallin offers biblical encouragement to parents and caregivers in similar positions by sharing wisdom and insights found on her own journey toward forgiveness and healing.

Proactive Behaviour Management Stategies (Video)

Understanding functions of behaviour is an important first step for proactive behavior management. This workshop will help you understand what behaviour communicates and how to support children and youth with disabilities by creating a safe and loving environment that will help them participate in church programs.

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