Advent – Love

I don’t want to wear a mask But I’ll wear one for my friend His lungs are bad, and if he Gets the virus he will die.

Advent – Hope

We have hope! Even though This year has been hard. For good things can come When we least expect them.

Advent – Faith

We have faith that this won’t last That this sickness will end In glory, not in death, but We know sometimes they’re the same.


In the group home they are waiting...

“The Strange World of COVID-19”

Having journaled for years, recently I went to a digital platform for my journal, so I’ve begun to transcribe my old, hand-written journals into the new platform. It’s a painstakingly slow project, and the strange world of COVID-19 has prompted its resumption.

Pack Light

Jesus instructed his disciples to “pack light” for their mission (Matthew 10:9-10). When it comes to the mission of supporting people who experience disabilities, there are a few transferable principles from this passage of scripture that we can apply.

Ultra Servant

I was young and early in my career, eager to prove myself and terrified of being perceived as being anything but in total control of my charge. I was not at all happy to be outside of the walls of the school ... I did not want to be walking to church.

Remember Us

Dear Church, As restrictions are being lifted and you plan for being together in person once again, please think of us...

A poem – Sensory Processing Disorder

There is a subtle panic in her eyes: she is trying to read me, trying to understand what it is I could want from her, but she picks up nothing at all from my best encouraging face.

Learning How To Die

During this season of forced and mutual deprivation, when our consolations are taken from us one by one and we are continually and graphically reminded of the mortality of our species, I turn to the men I support for wisdom and guidance.

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