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Reflections, Implications, and Personal Stories Across Various Topics

  • December 19, 2019

    Thanks to the example of Joni Eareckson Tada I knew that God could do great things through people with disabilities, but for the first 20 years of my life I wanted little to do with disability. Despite my need for a power wheelchair, limited fine motor skills and significant visual impairment, I wanted to lead a "normal" life as far away from disability as possible.

  • In Bekoji, Ethiopia, a place that housed tools of war is becoming a place that will offer supports which will nourish and grow the community. This is all because its members now rightly believe that their children with disabilities are image-bearers of God. That's a light I can live in.

  • December 5, 2019

    We can look forward to Jesus returning and the glory of the Lord being revealed when the playing field is leveled for the oppressed. Then all people will have equal opportunity to serve God and enjoy the abundant life that He offers. Removing a barrier is not just about helping someone else to enjoy full participation: it is about demonstrating how God loves all people and wants everyone to live life to the fullest.

  • November 21, 2019

    On the Road to Emmaus, Jesus’ strategy is to walk alongside the followers for a long while, allowing them to tell their whole story. Similarly, matching the pace of someone else and demonstrating that we are truly listening, even though it may be hard to relate is a way to show that they are valued.

  • November 7, 2019

    In John 14 Thomas is quite concerned that he will not find the way to God on his own. Jesus provides reassurance that the journey of faith does not depend on whether we can see or understand God's directions. Rather, it depends on our ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ and our willingness to trust him step-by-step.

  • October 24, 2019

    Seeking God's kingdom and his righteousness is about more than making God your first priority and engaging in spiritual disciplines. Seeking God’s kingdom also means responding to the injustices that we or others experience and advocating for God's kingdom values like love, inclusion and accessibility for all.

  • October 10, 2019

    This young girl's response not only shows that most people have the capacity to understand how to provide effective support to another person simply by observing and interacting with them thereby demystifying some of the potential challenges to supporting people with disabilities. The principle of watching and learning is also valuable when it comes to matters of faith.

  • October 9, 2019

    This webinar explores how the church as the body of Christ can support families who are raising children with disabilities and share their joy and suffering. Two models of support ministry will be presented, followed by a brief panel discussion and time for questions.

  • As my husband, Jonathan, and I have talked with other parents of kids with disabilities or special needs, we’ve learned that I was definitely not alone with my questions and struggles. Questions and struggles not only in relation to God, but also in relation to how to navigate this life as a parent with a child who has additional needs. But, who do we go to with our questions? Who do we go to for support on days when life is overwhelming and often others just don’t “get it”?

    Hope Anew is launching an online community for parents of kids with disabilities or special needs. A laugh together, cry together, pray together community.

  • September 26, 2019

    In this third video from David Fitch, he talks about the different ways of engaging with people in three 'circles' of interaction with one's faith community, one's home or small group, and in one's neighbourhood or community. Practicing faithful presence with one another means being present in all three circles.