Disability and Faith

Bringing Family Camp to Alberta: Malcolm’s Story

I was taken aback. I was handed a beautiful moment with a friend who seemed to understand the world much better than I. The table we are called to is a table for us all, and I pray that I become as eager to sit with others as Phil was to sit with me.

By |March 27, 2025|

I was taken aback. I was handed a beautiful moment with a friend who seemed to understand the world much better than I. The table we are called to is a table for us all, and I pray that I become as eager to sit with others as Phil was to sit with me.

Creating a Church of Belonging: Lessons from 2020 and Beyond

Church is far more than sermons and songs—it’s a place of spiritual nourishment, social connection, and practical support. Discover how small adjustments, from flexible seating to clear communication, can remove barriers and create a welcoming space where everyone belongs.

Jesse’s Book Report: A Collage of Ideas, Stories, and Faith

Jesse’s love for reading has shaped his faith and personal growth. His Book Report—a collection of Bible verses, prayers, and passages—helps him reflect on his journey through good times and bad. Through faith, family support, and his passion for learning, Jesse continues to grow in independence and connection with God. Read more about his inspiring story.

Family Life on the Spectrum

Autism has shaped our family in ways we never expected, from our children’s diagnoses to my own. What once felt overwhelming has become simply our normal. Through challenges and joys, we’ve learned to see the world differently—embracing autism not as a limitation, but as a unique and meaningful way of being.

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