by Amanda Baird with support from Chantal Huinink
I am 34 years old. I love the Lord so much that I decided to get baptized in 2014. My baptism was at Oak Lake and it was a really special experience for me. The most important thing that I have in common with everyone at my church is that we all believe that Jesus is Lord. We call our church “JIL church” which stands for Jesus Is Lord because this is so important to all of us.
When I was baptized it made me feel like all my worries and anything bad that I was feeling left my body. From the time I was baptized until now I have been learning that it is important to rely on Jesus, not just when things are hard, not just when things are going great but all the time.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
Philippians 4:6
Philippians 4:6 says all people should worship the Lord and pray all the time. From personal experience I know this is true. I have found nothing better than growing closer to God and walking in his light each day.
I have a disability, but I know that my faith in God is far more important than my disability. God helps me to do wondrous things. I live on my own with two housemates. I have a great job that I enjoy very much at an elementary school. I never thought I would be living on my own, but God has helped me to become very independent.
I did not get where I am today all by myself. No one can do anything without faith, and I am grateful to God because he gave me a biological family and a spiritual family. My spiritual family are people from my church who remind me that God has made me capable. He has given me all kinds of gifts which I can use to bless others.
Whether you have a disability or other kinds of challenges I encourage you to pray. Pray for what you want God to change. Pray not only for yourself but for the world. God can change you and me. He may or may not change our disabilities. Changing our bodies is not as important to him as changing us to make us more and more like Jesus. Our most important responsibility is to listen to the Lord and allow him to make us more like Jesus.
When I am at home I often dance and sing to the song On My Lips by Ross Parsley. It’s an awesome song! This song makes me feel happy and energetic. It makes me feel the same way that I felt on the day of my baptism because it takes all my worries and fears away. The words of the song remind me that Jesus knows me better than anyone else does. Jesus loves me more than anyone else could. Jesus accepts me as I am. and he is always making me better.
This song also encourages me to tell others about Jesus and help them to get to know him too. That is why I often send my family and friends links to Christian motivational videos that have encouraged me. It is also why I send family and friends text messages about what I have learned from the Bible and how it applies to whatever is going on in my life at that moment. It is why I am sharing part of my story with you.
Whether you have a disability or whatever, if there is any reason that you do not feel loved and accepted, I encourage you to get to know Jesus. He already knows you, loves you and accepts you for who you are. A relationship with him will help you to become the best version of yourself that you could possibly be.