Lessons from Katherine

One of the reasons for this site is to draw together some of the resources available on theology and disability. You can find past posts in the resources category. Recently our attention was drawn to a book published in February by Glenda Prins, “Lessons from Katherine” in the Spiritual Struggles series. It is a memoir about Glenda and her husband, Tom, parenting a child with multiple disabilities and the challenges (spiritual and otherwise) that they faced along the way.

Many readers, especially parents, will say ‘I have been there’ and others, like clergy and professionals, will be able to use the book to say, ‘Let me be there more care-fully in the future.’

The Rev. William Gaventa M.Div.

If you have read or are reading this book it would be great to hear what you think!

Starting next Friday, there will be a weekly series highlighting one mother’s experience of faith community with her child with a disability: “Maria’s Story.”