“What I Would Tell You…”
The United Church of Canada “has made a commitment to being an open, accessible, and barrier-free church, where there is full participation of people with disabilities in the church’s ministry and mission, and to make this commitment known in the church.” (http://www.united-church.ca/intercultural/disability)
The United Church has recently requested to hear from people with regards to stories on disability and the church. Here is some of the information from their announcement:
Are you a person living with disabilities (visible or invisible), a caregiver, or an ally? What would you tell the church, over coffee, about your life with a disability?
The Theologies of Disability Working Group of the United Church invites you to tell your stories about your faith life with disability.
- How has this experience made you vulnerable?
- How has it shaped your understanding of God and the church?
You are welcome to respond with a spoken or written story, or by submitting an original video, photograph, piece of art, music, or other form of expression. Responses will be received until January 31, 2015.
To learn more and share your story, visit
If you are part of the United Church and wish to join in discussion around disability ministry, there is also a public Facebook group that you are welcome to become a part of.
Perhaps you would prefer not to share your story through this avenue, or have missed the deadline. We would love to hear from you regardless!
Feel free to send us stories, questions, ideas or suggested content at ministry@christian-horizons.org

From “Church is for Everybody” article in the UCC Observer, Dec. 2011. Click on the image above to read the article.