As you may know, the Disability and Faith Forum is brought to you by Christian Horizons, a non-profit, faith-based charitable organization serving nearly 1,500 people with developmental disabilities and their families in Canada and many others in seven developing countries around the world. A key US partner, Bethesda Lutheran Communities, does similar work throughout the States and internationally as well.
For both organizations, equipping and empowering churches to be communities of belonging with people with exceptional needs is a priority. Social service organizations can do a lot of good, but we rely on our relationships and partnerships with local communities to live out Christ’s love in their local contexts. Only then will communities come to truly value and respect the God-given gifts of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Bethesda Lutheran Communities offer a number of exciting resources and opportunities for churches. Here are a couple of examples. First, Mona Fuerstenau, Director of Strategic Ministry and her colleagues are hosting a monthly Twitter chat on the first Thursday of every month, 5-6pm PST or 8-9pm EST. This Twitter chat is a safe space for the discussion of topics related to ministry with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Follow along on Twitter at #BPDMchat. You can learn about the facilitators and the questions they will be exploring by clicking here or on the image below to visit their website.
Bethesda has also released the following captivating video, just in time for Ash Wednesday. Paul and Josh have recorded a primer on the meaning of Ash Wednesday, perfect for sharing with your church or community. To sign up for future devotional updates from the Bethesda team, click here.