Stephen Bedard
Stephen J. Bedard is a pastor at Queen Street Baptist Church. He is currently completing his DMin in the area of disability ministry from Acadia Divinity College. He lives with his wife Amanda in St. Catharines, Ontario. Their oldest two children have autism and live in a group home setting. Feel free to check out his website at , or pick up a copy of his book How to Make Your Church Autism Friendly.
Autism has shaped our family in ways we never expected, from our children’s diagnoses to my own. What once felt overwhelming has become simply our normal. Through challenges and joys, we’ve learned to see the world differently—embracing autism not as a limitation, but as a unique and meaningful way of being.
While the incarnation is a unique event in Christian theology, the experience of embodiment is not. I have found the image of the Word made flesh to be a powerful paradigm for seeing the experience of my minimally verbal children, both in their relationships with me and their expression of faith.
Respecting neurodiversity means not starting with an assumption of what people want or need. Christian discipleship always happens within a specific context. Start with the people who are present and adjust the practices accordingly. It is more complicated than a standard way of discipleship but it is a way that respects that different ways God has created us.
My plea is that congregations will continue to have online worship services long after the pandemic is over.
But then I actually talked to the people I was trying to protect. While I was enjoying my coffee and car rides with my wife, some of my people were stuck at home alone, often with no access to our online services.
I had ideas when he was born of what his adulthood would be like. Reality will be different than my imagination.