“For I will bring them from the north and from the distant corners of the earth. I will not forget the blind and lame, the expectant mothers and women in labor. A great company will return! (Jeremiah 31:8, NLT)


God brings people who are marginalized into the centre of His community. Just as with the lost sheep, God Himself goes to the distant lands to find those the world has deemed ‘least of these’. Joining God in His mission means making space at the centre of our communities for those God has sought out.


Lord, we follow your example as the Great Shepherd who sought us out. May we open a space of welcome in the centre of our communities for those who are deemed weak and vulnerable. May everyone we encounter be met with hospitality, grace, and mercy. May each find the place that they have longed for – a place to belong.

To learn how you can partner with Christian Horizons in prayer, download this month’s prayer guide from Christian Horizons’ Church Engagement Page.