“Then the LORD asked Moses, ‘Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the LORD?’ (Exodus 4:11, NLT)


This verse is not primarily about whether God gives people disabilities, but to demonstrate that our abilities or limitations do not prevent us from being powerfully used by Him. When we respond to God’s call, in obedience and faith, He will do great things through us for His kingdom. God works even or perhaps especially through our weakness and vulnerability.


We pray we would not limit ourselves or others by what the world declares ‘limitations’ or ‘disabilities’. You make the weak, strong; the least, great; and the broken, whole.  Today, grant us the ability to respond to you in obedience and faith.

To learn how you can partner with Christian Horizons in prayer, download this month’s prayer guide from Christian Horizons’ Church Engagement Page.