On Thursday, October 17th 2019, from 1 pm – 2 pm EST, Heather Moran and Rita Cheng will present a webinar on “Sharing Joy and Suffering.” Heather is the founder of poweredbylove.ca and Rita is the coordinator of a support group for parents at Scarborough Chinese Baptist Church, along with serving on the board for villageeulogia.com. The webinar will be facilitated by Cynthia Tam, pastor at the Living Room Church and the National Coordinator of Disability Ministries with the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Canada.
Update: You can now watch the webinar with Heather and Rita below!
Webinar Description: This webinar explores how the church as the body of Christ can support families who are raising children with disabilities and share their joy and suffering. Two models of support ministry will be presented, followed by a brief panel discussion and time for questions.
Sign up today by filling out the form at j.mp/sharingjoysuffering