Advent: Embracing Hope in the In-Between Moments

Advent invites us to cultivate hope in life’s uncertainties. For individuals with disabilities, caregivers, and faith leaders, hope grows through self-care, connection, and prayer. Discover how embracing the "in-between" moments can deepen trust in God’s presence and bring renewal to every season.

Hope for Barrier-Free Design Principles in IDPD and Advent

The first week of Advent and the International Day of Persons with Disabilities is a wonderful week to reflect on the hope of Christ, our saviour who was here, is here with us now through his Holy Spirit, and who will someday, hopefully soon, be with us in the flesh again.

Holding Out Hope

It has been my responsibility and privilege to hold out hope with people who have struggled to hold it on their own. Offering light to one another must not overshadow the real pain that people experience, but small gestures and words of encouragement remind us that grief will not have the last word.

Advent – Hope

We have hope! Even though This year has been hard. For good things can come When we least expect them.

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