Disability and Faith

Ubuntu “I am because we are”

The Meeting House, one of the largest churches in Canada including its regional sites throughout Ontario, has just been through an Ubuntu series that has highlighted three marginalized groups: First Nations, New Canadians, and lastly People Living With a Disability.

The Disabilities Dilemma – What is beauty?

I recently read a post by Tim Challies and Sean Harrelson that had been making the rounds, called "The Disabilities Dilemma." It spoke of a church conference on beauty and mission, [Read More]

Belonging and the Body

1 Corinthians 12: 12-26 Paul writes to the Corinthians that our unique gifts, especially the gifts of those that appear to be weaker, are indispensableto the healthy functioning of the Body [Read More]

Baptisms and Bathtubs (Maria’s story, part 7)

We allow Michael to have baths at certain times, and then we wrestle him out of the bathroom at other times – compliance is an issue which he can’t understand! Sometimes we give in because, well, it's just easier. When he’s in the water he's happy and we're happy.

Adults with Exceptional Needs (Maria’s story, part 5)

Our church has done many things right in creating a safe and accommodating place for children, including a Plan to Protect® policy, offering to provide workers and they have even offered seminars on children with disabilities. Outside of the children’s programming, though, I know of nothing specifically in place for adults with disabilities except general acceptance.

The Church, Autism and Apologetics

How will you respond? Will you sit down with them and go over the ontological argument for God’s existence or the intricacies of the Trinity? Will you even try to explain issues related to the logical problem of evil? If not, do you have anything for them? ...But instead of just requiring a rational response, it requires a compassionate response.

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