Re-Reading Romans from a Disability Perspective

A genuine welcome goes beyond simply opening the doors; it requires sacrifice, as Christ sacrificed himself to welcome us into his body. To imitate Christ, we must extend that same welcome to all—abled or disabled—who seek to come to Christ.

Chris, Christmas, and Christ

One day in November, I experienced Chris’ anticipation in full. We had arrived at a local mall. Walking in the door, at the end of a very long hallway we could see Santa’s giant decorative red chair set up in the centre of the atrium. Chris exclaimed “ho-ho!” and took off running toward Santa’s throne.

Power in Policies Rather Than People (Part 1)

Often, somebody that holds a lot of power or privilege of one type has an easier on-ramp to additional forms of privilege and power than somebody who does not. Thus, rather than being evenly distributed, power tends to accumulate. This is a symptom of our broken humanity rather than the values of the kingdom of God in action.


My life as a follower of Christ helps me in my work at Christian Horizons. My work at Christian Horizons helps me in my life as a follower of Christ. I think the confidence and miracles that Peter demonstrate in the first bit of Acts is because he knew who he was following; he knew from whom his confidence came. And I think we focus a lot on leadership and not enough on followership.

The Ones We Really Need

It might sound cliché, but I was hired to help others and they helped me just as much, perhaps even more. I learned about acceptance, trust, diversity, and what it meant to have a place to belong. Looking back, I realize God was beginning to teach me about 1 Corinthians 12 and what it means to be whole.


The Great Banquet – Luke 5

Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.’ ‘Sir,’ the servant said, ‘what you ordered has been done, but there is still room.’ Luke 5: 22

Independence or interdependence? (Part 1)

I was born with a physical disability known as Cerebral Palsy. As a result I use a power wheelchair: I also live with limited gross and fine motor skills and a [Read More]

Pain as a Spiritual Practice

Much of the rhetoric in our society about pain suggests that it can, and should, be used as a catalyst to become stronger. But why is strength the goal? Is weakness always a problem?

Valuing People: Names

People with developmental disabilities, people like Sam, have taught me that each person matters. These days, we often forget about the one, about individual people – we are so distracted by all the things and the many people which call for our attention.

Costly Love

This is not the love of romance stories or Hollywood endings.   This is the kind of love that brings you to the end of yourself and then beyond.  The kind of love that takes all you’ve got during the day and keeps you up at night.  Real. Costly. Love.

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