Friendship Festival (May 14th 2016, Oakville)

When I attend Friendship clubs and meet friends, mentors and volunteers at our festivals, there’s a sense a contagious joy and excitement that’s hard to put into words. As people arrive for a meeting, some friends are loud and talkative while others are quiet and reserved. But everyone radiates a message of belonging and acceptance.

Friendship Festival Oakville (November 1, 2014)

Friendship Festivals have been running for a number of years, as a great day of music, singing, laughter and games with people impacted by developmental disabilities and their families. The featured musician this [Read More]

2014 Christian Horizons Family Retreat

  Come join us for another fun-filled week at the 2014 Family Retreat! Christian Horizons Canada is hosting its 4th Annual Family Retreat at Elim Lodge! This year’s theme is Hope Overflowing. We [Read More]

Glory Story – Emmanuel (Video)

"Just come, just get here." Sometimes, the best first step is invitation. Who knows how many people don't attend on any given Sunday simply because no one has asked them? The video [Read More]

Summer Institute on Theology and Disability 2013

The Summer Institute on Theology and Disability was an educational and inspiring time to connect with others interested and invested in the intersection of theology and disability. One of the highlights [Read More]

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