Support Groups (Maria’s story, part 2)

I think for anything to be successful in fostering ‘belonging’ in a church setting, someone who has a child with a disability needs to be involved. They have ‘been there’ and really understand the needs of the family with a child with a disability. I haven't heard of any other support group quite like this one.

Belonging? (Maria’s story, part 1)

Our church has supported us through prayer, financial aid and food or food vouchers and occasional visits. We also have a deaconess who is totally amazing, and she is the first person we'd call for anything! But do we feel like we belong?

Josh Masters: College-bound!

An enthusiastic basketball player who currently works at Goodwill and attends WCI in Woodstock, Josh Masters is a 20-year-old with Down syndrome who would love to work in the fitness industry at [Read More]

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