Serving Others (#6) Holistic Support

Christian ministries may have more impact if they focus on holistic care and ministry than on a "specialist" approach to faith or spirituality. It is too easy to fragment intellectual, physical, and emotional needs as aspects of flourishing spirituality.

Serving Others (#5) Growth and Development

You can foster the growth and development of others, particularly people who experience disabilities, in your church or community by recognizing their gifts and talents, presenting opportunities for them to utilize their gifts, and encouraging them to develop their skills.

Serving Others #4 – We seek to value people’s gifts

Christian Horizons' fourth service principle contains countercultural messages that may powerfully impact the self-concepts of people who experience disability, transform the work of the church and benefit society as a whole if practiced effectively.

Serving Others (#2) Enhance relationships

The biggest challenge for people with exceptional needs in relationship with others who may or may not have exceptional needs is often a lack of opportunity for reciprocity and responsibility. For example, for many years, I attended churches where little was expected of me. Everyone over-praised the fact that I showed up.

Serving others (#1) Promote citizenship

Faith communities can model the principle of promoting full citizenship by ensuring that people with exceptional needs are always welcomed into worship services and times of fellowship. Promoting full membership within the faith community might also mean ensuring that religious education is adaptable and communion or other liturgical components are accessible.

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