What Reporting on MAiD Teaches me About Jesus

For four years, I’ve reported on the expansion of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) in Canada. I’ve listened to disabled Canadians share their fears and stories, feeling their sorrow deeply. Through this, I’ve found that MAiD starkly reminds me of Jesus’s hope, generosity, and presence in grief.

A Cure for MAiD: There is no Best Before Date

When did society shift to evaluating the existence of a person, based on what they “contribute”? And when did society adopt the mindset that suffering is not valuable to the human condition? How did the Canadian way of life become a real-life version of Squid Games?

The Dark Cocoon: Unseen Struggles with MAiD

As I trimmed Aunt Wilma’s “Good Luck” card, memories flooded back. Aunt Wilma’s vibrant prayers had always brought comfort, yet she couldn’t foresee the darkness that claimed her life. She died alone, a victim of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD). We thought it was a cleaning service, not assisted suicide.

Everyday, Given: Asking the right questions in the age of MAiD

Bill C-62's delay on extending MAiD access to those with mental illness until 2027 prompts a critical reflection on societal support. Keith Dow urges focusing on the root causes of suffering and ensuring comprehensive support systems, emphasizing that expanding MAiD criteria may sidestep essential, underlying questions.

Are Persons Burdens? Autonomy and the Light of the Gospel

"I don't want to be a burden." Dr. Quentin Genuis challenges society's misconception equating worth with independence. True dignity lies in embracing interdependence, affirming each person, especially the suffering or disabled, as a gift, not a burden.

The Myth of Competence: MAiD and End-of-Life Choices

Within Canada's medical assistance in dying (MAiD) legislation, questions of competence loom large. Dr. Ephraim Radner draws upon personal experiences and theological reflections to bring to light the ethical dilemmas surrounding the legislation. What constitutes competence in the face of existential decisions like life and death? Is it age, experience, or something deeper?

Learning to be a Better Backup Singer: Ableism within MAiD

Julia Beazley, Director of Public Policy for the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada grapples with Canada's expansion of medical assistance in dying ("MAiD"). In this article she encourages us to consider policy, foster belonging, challenges ableism and amplify the voices of those with disabilities.

Advocating for the Canadian Disability Benefit

In the aftermath of Tracy Latimer's tragic death, Chantal Huinick grappled with profound questions of existence and justice. She unveils the enduring impact of Tracy's legacy on her life and work.

A Faith Dilemma: Cornered in the Rain

In a Toronto waterfront encounter, a friend navigates the delicate balance between good intentions and genuine understanding. A neighbor's well-meant prayer in the rain, though misguided, calls for authentic empathy, reflecting a deeper compassion we should embody

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