Jesse’s Book Report: A Collage of Ideas, Stories, and Faith

Jesse’s love for reading has shaped his faith and personal growth. His Book Report—a collection of Bible verses, prayers, and passages—helps him reflect on his journey through good times and bad. Through faith, family support, and his passion for learning, Jesse continues to grow in independence and connection with God. Read more about his inspiring story.

Family Life on the Spectrum

Autism has shaped our family in ways we never expected, from our children’s diagnoses to my own. What once felt overwhelming has become simply our normal. Through challenges and joys, we’ve learned to see the world differently—embracing autism not as a limitation, but as a unique and meaningful way of being.

The Gift of Music

Music speaks when words fail. In The Gift of Music, Sarah Smith shares how worship songs provide comfort and hope through life’s struggles. What songs have sustained you?

A Love Story: God’s Love Revealed in Advent

Love is at the heart of the human story, and Advent reveals the greatest love of all. In the vulnerability of a baby in a manger, we see God’s redeeming love made flesh. Discover how this divine love calls us to embrace and reflect it in our own lives.

Disability is Not a Defect – Embracing Disability in the Church

Disability is not a barrier to the work of God’s grace in someone’s life. Jesus saves disabled people, as they are, without condition. The Church must embrace this truth, welcoming people with disabilities into full participation in worship and community, recognizing their unique gifts and the ways God is working through them.

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