Francis and His Brother

Everywhere we go we are being called brother and sister, daughter and son, mother and father. Everywhere we go we are being called into relationship with the lonely and the forgotten, the sidelined and the left behind. Everywhere we go voices are calling us to be more than we ever thought we could be. May we all have the faith to call one another into the reverberations of the love of God, and to answer that call when it comes.

A poem – Sensory Processing Disorder

There is a subtle panic in her eyes: she is trying to read me, trying to understand what it is I could want from her, but she picks up nothing at all from my best encouraging face.

The Three Circles (with David Fitch)

In this third video from David Fitch, he talks about the different ways of engaging with people in three 'circles' of interaction with one's faith community, one's home or small group, and in one's neighbourhood or community. Practicing faithful presence with one another means being present in all three circles.

Practicing Faithful Presence (with David Fitch)

“People with various disabilities are those who are immensely gifted, obviously, to see things and do things that maybe I can’t see. But the bottom line is that I am able to see God’s presence at work in them… and then they’re able to engage me and a space is opened up, a very unique space. And this is the way that God has created the world, for us to be in these social spaces of transformation.”

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