Pray without ceasing
Jesus loves me more than anyone else could. Jesus accepts me as I am. and he is always making me better.
Jesus loves me more than anyone else could. Jesus accepts me as I am. and he is always making me better.
In John 14 Thomas is quite concerned that he will not find the way to God on his own. Jesus provides reassurance that the journey of faith does not depend on whether we can see or understand God's directions. Rather, it depends on our ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ and our willingness to trust him step-by-step.
Baptism is an expression of a person’s love for and commitment to Christ: A recognition that we are broken and sinful and are in need of a Saviour. I believe this and wanted to be baptized. There was one crucial problem; due to medical reasons I can no longer go under water!
"Hello. My name is Greg Cloud. I’m 29 years old. I have red hair, blue eyes and I am right-handed. I also have an extra chromosome. I was born with all of these. Like you I was beautifully made by my God."
No man, woman or child is an island, and we come to know faith through a community. It is this same community that welcomes us, by faith, through baptism.
Q: I was just in conversation with one of our mentors for the Christian Life class students. One of the pupils in our present class has some limitations and needs special [Read More]