Baptisms and Bathtubs (Maria’s story, part 7)

We allow Michael to have baths at certain times, and then we wrestle him out of the bathroom at other times – compliance is an issue which he can’t understand! Sometimes we give in because, well, it's just easier. When he’s in the water he's happy and we're happy.

Adults with Exceptional Needs (Maria’s story, part 5)

Our church has done many things right in creating a safe and accommodating place for children, including a Plan to Protect® policy, offering to provide workers and they have even offered seminars on children with disabilities. Outside of the children’s programming, though, I know of nothing specifically in place for adults with disabilities except general acceptance.

Sunday School (Maria’s story, part 3)

Our Children's pastor lovingly and consistently tried to accommodate Michael year after year. She said to us at one point that not only was she concerned about Michael but believed that others would benefit from him being there as well.

Belonging? (Maria’s story, part 1)

Our church has supported us through prayer, financial aid and food or food vouchers and occasional visits. We also have a deaconess who is totally amazing, and she is the first person we'd call for anything! But do we feel like we belong?

Josh Masters: College-bound!

An enthusiastic basketball player who currently works at Goodwill and attends WCI in Woodstock, Josh Masters is a 20-year-old with Down syndrome who would love to work in the fitness industry at [Read More]

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