A Christmas Reflection: God with us – Past, Present, and Future

As Christmas approaches and I prepare to celebrate the miracle of Jesus’ birth, I reflect on how the Saviour of` the world was once a tiny, vulnerable baby who depended on others for survival and remained vulnerable even as a man (Isaiah 53). Despite or perhaps because of His reliance on others, Jesus was called Emmanuel, "God with us".

The Disabilities Dilemma – What is beauty?

I recently read a post by Tim Challies and Sean Harrelson that had been making the rounds, called "The Disabilities Dilemma." It spoke of a church conference on beauty and mission, [Read More]

On expectations…

I am drawn back to a time two thousand years ago, when expectations were at an all-time high. I see the crowds of people milling, pushing, trying to catch a glimpse of the one to whom they were shouting "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!"

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