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The Value of Informal Support

I hope this post is encouraging to people who are wary of helpers without qualifications being involved in their care or that of a loved one. There are blessings that come from simply doing life together in an informal way; necessary skills can be taught to all kinds of people.

Vedder Terrace: A Taste of Heaven on Earth

There is a lot to be learned from the community of Vedder Terrace in Chilliwack, British Columbia... The members whom I met shared a lot about their lives. They told me about the community events which they enjoy at the clubhouse, shared community meals three times per week, movie nights and other events that people who do not live at Vedder Terrace can take part in.

Responding to the Gap In “Health Care”

The quality of life for many people with disabilities is lower than it could be if more wheelchair manufacturers, occupational therapists and medical supply vendors made and sold products that effectively promoted the future of full societal participation.

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